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Services & Fees


Statistical Consulting

The Collaboratory promotes two main types of activities for both the greater UCR community and external clients, collaborative and service oriented.

  • A gateway for individual collaboration between academia and industry or government agencies, including research design, data collection, data analysis, and interpretation.
  • Methodology development.
  • Grant/funding planning, development, and proposal preparation.
  • Interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary collaboration.
  • Student training (e.g. via STAT 293 A/B/C or STAT 183).
Service Oriented
  • Design of experiment
  • model selection and fitting
  • Institutional research
  • Statistical software packages support
  • Help with response to referees
  • Develop and/or review the statistical components for grant proposals

In all endeavors, the Collaboratory is academically rigorous and maintains a research and instructional orientation.

You can make a consultation appointment with us by clicking here



On-Campus Rate: $136/hour

External Domestic Education Rate: $229.85/hour

Commercial & Foreign Education Rate: $319.12/hour

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